The successful person encounters new challenges regularly. Although challenging yourself gives you a chance to grow and learn about yourself, new obstacles can add unneeded stress to your already busy life. Stress, if left unchecked, can lead to fatigue, burnout and illness. So what can the ambitious person do to remain productive, successful, and relaxed? Chances are you did it this morning.

Daily Rituals

When life spins out of control, it’s time to get grounded with daily rituals. These rituals can be as ordinary as stopping at Starbucks for a cup of coffee in the morning or as cosmic as meditation and prayer before bed. Daily rituals and routines bring sanity and stability into an otherwise hectic day. This sanity and stability can appear in the form of reduced stress, more energy, and higher confidence.

Rituals vs. Habits

To fully take advantage of rituals' stress reduction and life-balancing effects, one must first distinguish between habit and ritual. A simple explanation categorizes rituals as those things one consciously chooses to do, things that help one realize one's vision or goal. Habits are things one does without being fully aware you're doing them. Although some habits are good or neutral, most are not. The following examples of rituals should help clarify:

  1. Going to Specific Places - Going to places that uplift and bring positive thoughts and feelings is an excellent way to recharge and stabilize. It could be a five-minute stop at a grocery store that sells your favorite beverage or an hour or two at a library or exercise club.
  2. Reading - Raise your hand if you’ve ever gone to bed while reliving the day’s catastrophes and anxieties in your head. Chances are you tossed and turned and got little rest. Reading helps you mentally disconnect from the day’s happenings and get the rest you need.
  3. Stretching - In addition to improved flexibility, stretching reduces muscle tension, stress and anxiety, while improving mental alertness and circulation. If you begin your day by stretching, you’ve established a positive ritual.
  4. Prayer and Meditation - Control your thoughts and control your life. Stress overwhelms individuals who let their thoughts run wild. Beginning and ending your day with prayer or meditation helps put you in control of your thoughts and achieve tranquility.
  5. Exercise - The physical health benefits of exercise are obvious. Often overlooked, however, are the mental and emotional benefits. People who exercise regularly feel better, have more energy, and are more confident.
  6. Getting Ready in the Morning - Purposefully choosing to look your best on a daily basis and making it part of your routine can really boost your self-esteem. Doing your morning preparatory tasks in the same order gives you a subconscious sense of stability and an innate sense of being on schedule.