Your mind is drifting, and so is your car. Falling asleep at the wheel is a real danger, and it happens more often than you’d like to think. To help keep your car on the road and your eyes open, here are a few Mills Honda tips to help you stay awake on a long drive.

Get Some Sleep

Not while you’re driving, silly. Get a good night’s sleep before you head out by going to bed early the night before. The more rested you are before you hit the road, the better.

Bring a Friend

Having a companion in the car can help you stay awake. Talk, play car games, sing songs. Do what you can to keep the conversation going--those long silences are perfect for drifting off. Your copilot can also look out for signs of drowsy driving and keep you from pushing yourself too hard.

Sing a Song

Crank up the tunes and belt it out. Singing will help keep you awake and pass the time on those trips, too.

Get Some Fresh Air

Fresh air is your friend. Open a vent or crack a window to get some fresh air circulating through the car.

Take a Break

It’s good to get out of the car and stretch your legs occasionally. Try to stop every two hours or so. Get a soda and a little something to eat--small meals along the way will keep your energy up much better than one big meal, and be sure to avoid fatty foods, which will only weigh you down. Additionally, that Snickers bar might give you a short boost of energy, but the sugar crash isn’t going to do you any favors.

Have a Cuppa Joe

Coffee is your friend. Don’t overdo it, but one or two cups of coffee at the start of the journey will give you a decent amount of energy.

It’s Nap Time

If you feel fatigue coming on, a break is a must. Pull off the road and take a catnap, but make sure your car is in a safe location first--don’t just pull onto the shoulder, get your car completely off the road. A rest stop would probably be ideals. (That is what they're there for, after all.) If you have to, find a motel.

Timing Matters

If you can, plan your drive during hours for which you’re normally awake. Midnight madness might sound like a good idea, but driving during the late nighttime hours can be incredibly dangerous--your body wants what it wants: sleep.

Don’t be a statistic. Arrive alive. For more information on the dangers of drowsy driving, check out the National Sleep Foundation’s website: