Here at Mills Honda, we understand that finances can be difficult and stressful, and you can multiply that by ten when you're talking about your credit score! If you have poor credit, or are simply looking to improve your current credit score, there is hope. Take a look at these helpful tips from myFICO™ that could help you build the credit you need for the future you want.

These tips may take time, discipline and patience, but if you follow them, they're well worth the effort.

  • Make sure you're submitting your current credit payments on time. If you have bad credit, this will ensure that you don’t run into additional problems. The longer you do this, the better your credit score will be.
  • Get a credit report and check it for errors. Finding erroneous late payments and other miscalculations could mean the difference between a poor and a great credit score. If you do find problems, make sure to try and resolve them by taking it up with the credit bureau.
  • Try to keep your balances on your credit cards as low as possible. Owing a lot of money for a long time can affect your score negatively.
  • Life happens. If you do have to make a late payment, contact your credit card company to see if you can work something out, or talk to a credit counselor for assistance. This could help you avoid a huge hit to your credit score.
  • Opening up a new line of credit that you know you can pay off without missing late payments will ensure that you're able to build your credit. Getting a small car loan can actually help you do this! Because of their low cost, small car loans are a safe way to build your credit with small monthly payments over time. The key to this working successfully is that you make your payments on time.

Here at Mills Honda, we are dedicated members of the community who want to ensure that our customers are taken care of. Feel free to contact us and talk to one of our friendly finance experts to learn more about our special finance offers today. The first step to improving your credit score could be just a phone call away.