Grab your reusable grocery bags, small wheely cart, and a wad of cash with plenty of small bills. It's time to go to the farmers' market! There's nothing quite like fresh, local produce. Every season has its own flavor. Going to your local farmers' market is a great way to make the most of seasonal ingredients, buy organic and help out the little guy in the process.

Here are a few tips to help you get the most out of your marketing.

  • Get there early and have a plan, but be open to new ideas.
  • Make a loop to get a lay of the land.
  • Talk to the farmers. They know their stuff and are usually more than happy to give you tips on how best to prepare the food.
  • Availability of some items will vary from region to region. To learn what's in season in your region, take a trip to and click on your state for more information.

Not sure where to go? To find a farmers' market in your area, check out Local Harvest.


Whether you're planning a Sunday brunch, an old fashioned barbecue or a dusky dinner party, summer offers a wonderful assortment of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Your local farmers' market will be flush with succulent berries and mouthwatering produce.

Blackberries - Blackberries are just one of the berries available in the summer months. You can find boysenberries and raspberries too. They're delicious with a little cream, or give them a rinse and eat them right out of the carton.

Blueberries - They're everywhere! You'll see them on lake shores and the roadside, but none will be as tasty as those at your farmer's market. Test a few from various vendors to find the best berry. Make some muffins or try a classic crisp.

Cherries - Sweet Bing cherries are one of the best things about summer. They're meaty, juicy and sweet. Tart cherries have a short growing season, so be on the lookout for them. From salads to pies, cherries just make everything a little better. If you're feeling adventurous, try your hand at Cherries Jubilee.

Corn - Nothing says summer quite like having corn stuck between your teeth. Other varieties of corn are available late into the fall, but summer corn is fresh and sweet. Grill it on the cob to enjoy it at its corniest.

Eggplant - Eggplant's weird. It's okay to admit it. But its weird, spongy, meaty nature is also what makes it so great. Typically at its best in July and August, eggplant is a great meat substitute. Grill it for sandwiches or use it in a vegetarian Moussaka.

Melons - Casaba, Honeydew, Crenshaw… Melons are where it's at. From cantaloupe to watermelons these delicious fruits are at their peak during the warm summer months. Use them in salads, cocktails or just slice and bite!

Nectarines & Peaches - You can just feel the sticky juice rolling down your chin. Make sorbet or whip a smoothie. Add them to cereal or make some jam.

Peppers - If you're a little sweet and spicy and like your food that way too, peppers are at their best in late summer. Bell peppers are great grilled or stuffed with ground beef and baked.

Shelling beans - Some people knit, some people shell beans. It's therapeutic and the end result is a tasty bean. Bumpy, plump pods hold the best beans. Use them in soups or stews or braise for a great side dish.

Tomatoes - Branch out from the beefsteak, choose something other than cherries. There's a world of tomatoes out there waiting for you to try them and summer's the time. Talk to the vendors about their heirloom varieties. Heirlooms are seed variants that have passed down from generation to generation and are generally grown in very small crops. Each variety is unique and adds a new color and flavor to your cooking.

Zucchini - Zucchini and other summer squash are available all the way into early fall. Smaller is usually better and a look for a nice glossy skin. If you're feeling daring, try a zucchini blossom (the actual flower part of a young zucchini). Stuff it with feta cheese and fry until golden brown.

Meal Suggestion: Start with a shaved zucchini salad with olive oil and parmesan cheese. Grill some chicken, eggplant and corn. And finish it all off with a big slab of peach pie.