At Mills Honda, we couldn't be prouder of the vehicles in our inventory. But we understand that once you drive your new car or truck off our lot, you might be interested in customizing it to your exact specifications. That's why we're pleased to let you in on our secret weapon: Mills Auto Xtreme (MAX).

Whether you'd like to lift or level your truck, swap out your car's tired wheels for some wicked new ones, or add an awesome graphic to your vehicle to help advertise your business, MAX has you covered.

Located at 14858 Dellwood Dr. Baxter, MN 56425, Mills Auto Xtreme offers a wide variety of products and services, including accessories, logos and graphics for businesses, and merchandise. MAX also works with vendors like Westin, Putco, Premium Shield, and more, so you know that you can trust the quality of the materials you'll be getting.

We'd love to know more about what you're looking to get out of your vehicle, so be sure to call or contact us online today.

Image: Mills Auto Xtreme