Competition for quality jobs has never been tougher. Job hunting, on the other hand, has never been easier. The Internet and social networking sites have revolutionized the way people search for jobs. Here are some Mills Honda suggestions that will help you to stand out in an online world:

  1. Create a resume. Before clicking away, prepare a general resume that can be easily modified to suit the specific needs of the company to which you're applying. Most companies want to know your work experience and education history, specifically those things that make you the right hire for the position.
  2. Set goals. Establish the type of job you want and the amount you'd like to earn. Although you may discover your skill set and experience are not at the level you need them to be, it's better to aim high initially than to underestimate your abilities and end up shoveling out manure when you could be shoveling in cash. You should also set goals for the number of inquiries you make per day.
  3. Set a schedule. Although you can search for an online job in your underwear, it's best to treat your job search like a job. That means adhering to a schedule, getting dressed, and not playing video games when you should be touching up your resume.
  4. Use an online job site to facilitate your search. Although online classifieds -- Craigslist, for example -- may provide an occasional lead, you'll find more success with sites specifically tailored to job searches -- Monster and CareerBuilder, for example. These search engines allow you to narrow your search by region, salary, field, and just about anything you could imagine.
  5. Don't be afraid to run your own search. If you know exactly the job you're looking for, run an internet query and see what turns up.
  6. Proofread. Even if the job to which you are applying does not require mastery of spelling, an incorrectly spelled word will severely restrict your opportunities for success. The purpose of a resume is to make yourself look good. Messpiled werds maek yu luk stewpid. They also demonstrate a lack of thoroughness and attention to detail, not exactly the recipe for landing your dream job.
  7. Don't chain yourself to a computer. Unless the job posting includes specific instructions not to contact the company, pay them a visit and tell them you're interested in the job opening. Many employers appreciate applicants who are go getters.
  8. Follow up. According to, eighty-two percent of executives say job seekers should contact hiring managers within two weeks of submitting an application or resume.