I was in a career in hotel management back in 2001 and I decided I wanted to do something different and fun that I would love doing every day. I loved talking to people and telling them that I loved cars, so I just knew the automotive industry had to be perfect for me. I could meet new people, help them by finding the best vehicle for them, and be around cars every day.

 I said “yes” to a job offer selling cars right before the 9/11 attack. It was very fast paced, exciting and lots of fun! Then the attacks happened and the world as we know it went into slow motion. Everyone wondered what was going to happen. Were we going to be able to survive and move forward? Every person in this great country did just that! We all reacted and moved forward to get things back on track. 

The automotive industry offered really great financing on just about every vehicle and it spurred the economy. Hundreds of thousands of vehicles were sold. Every new vehicle purchased creates an economy for all team members, companies and vendors supplying parts and the building of these vehicles. 

The special financing was a great incentive. It helped me get off to a great start in my first full month. I loved every second of it. I continued to sell lots of vehicles and received many certifications and awards. I never looked back. Over the years I have continued to learn many new positions in automotive, and all that experience helped me become general manager at Mills Ford Chrysler.

Every day in the car business is different, and so exciting! It is cutting edge technology combined with style, class, fun, reliability, versatility, flexibility and more. I love the variety, challenge, satisfaction and rewards. I recommend it to anyone with similar desires. 

I tell everyone interested in the “car business” to sit down and talk with me about the opportunities. It’s not for everyone, and we do have our own saying: “Many are called, few are chosen”.