Ford plans to break ground this year on a $200 million testing facility to improve product technology, fuel economy, and design. Complete with a next-generation rolling road wind tunnel and state-of-the-art climatic chamber, the 13-acre facility is proof of Ford’s commitment to consistently providing customers with the finest in performance and fuel efficiency.

Wind tunnel and climate chamber

With temperatures that range from -40 degrees to 140 degrees Fahrenheit, the complex will simulate conditions colder than the Arctic and hotter than the Sahara. The all-new wind tunnel and climatic chamber are designed to better match the technological advancements of Ford’s production and racing vehicles.

“This advancement in new world-class test facilities underpins Ford’s ongoing commitment to advance our capabilities to continue to provide our customers with high-quality vehicles,” said Raj Nair, Ford Executive Vice President, Global Product Development and Chief Technical Officer.

Rolling road aerodynamic tunnel

To replicate real-world drag, Ford is developing a rolling road aerodynamic tunnel that will bring the road to the vehicle, (rather than the other way around). To test for optimal fuel economy, each wheel is assigned its own belt with a fifth belt under the center of the vehicle, allowing airflow at speeds from 155 to 200 miles per hour. The combined rolling road and wind tunnel complex will create full environmental airflow simulation to better test aerodynamic shielding and high-speed performance.

“This new wind tunnel facility will not only allow us to test our performance and racing vehicle line-up but will also enable us to share innovations across all our global Ford products,” said Dave Pericak, Ford Performance Global Director.

Mills Ford Chrysler is excited to share the news of Ford’s ongoing dedication to technological innovation. To see Ford’s latest advances in action, come test-drive the current lineup today.

Image Credit: Ford