Halloween is a ton of fun for kids and parents alike, and we hope our customers will go all out, helping their kids find or make the perfect costume, and even dressing up themselves. Be sure to indulge your sweet tooth, but don’t eat so much you get a stomach ache!

To make the night truly memorable and ensure everyone has a fun, worry-free night, consider a few safety precautions. 

  • Plan your route in advance
  • Wear comfortable shoes
  • Stay well-lit
  • Use flexible props
  • Check your childs candy

When you take your kids trick-or-treating, you have a few options: you can take the traditional route and go door-to-door, or you can take them to your local mall, community center, or church. Children should always be accompanied by an adult while trick-or-treating, and you should only visit homes with their porch lights on. 

If your children are old enough and mature enough to go by themselves, be sure to plan a safe route for them to take so you can easily find them if needed. You should instruct your children to stay in well-lit, well-populated areas, and be sure to remind them not to eat any of their candy until they bring it home and you inspect it for opened packaging or other abnormalities.

Send your child with a working flashlight, glow sticks, or reflective tape to make them more visible to vehicles. Lastly, remind your children to stay with their group as there is always more safety in numbers.

Mills Toyota hopes you and your child will follow these simple guidelines for a safer, more memorable Halloween. Call or contact us online today and we will be happy to share other tips and tricks for an awesome holiday.